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Operational capacity


Pipeline capacity


Home covered with SIC clean energy


Tons of CO2 emission avoided annually


Inception of SIC Team

SIC (abbreviation for “Swicorp Infrastructure Capital”) invests in sustainable infrastructure, including Renewable Energy, Waste Management, Water Treatment and Data Centers, of emerging markets in Africa, Middle East, East Europe and Southeast Asia.​

With a diversified background and global view, the SIC team aims to bridge the gap between private capital, DFIs, international utility companies and world-class engineering firms to deliver sustainable infrastructure where it’s needed most.​

We believe that investing in sustainable infrastructure for the developing world is key for a Just Transition to a Carbon Net Zero world.​


Strategy timeline

Sourcing & Development – Building & FC – Investment & Construction – Operation – Exit

Greenfield strategy

Our waste management services include recycling, composting, and waste-to-energy solutions, turning waste into valuable resources for a cleaner environment.

Acquisition of RTB projects

Our waste management services include recycling, composting, and waste-to-energy solutions, turning waste into valuable resources for a cleaner environment.

SIC is supported by renowned companies from various industries.

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SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project.

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On-shore Wind

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.

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Water Desalination

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.

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Waste Treatment

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.

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Green hydrogen

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.

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Other energy

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.

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Green Data center

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.

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Invest in Sustainability for the New World