Our Investments

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.
We work hand in hand with local developers to develop projects to a bankable ready to build stage allowing us to secure non-recourse project finance to construct and operate the assets.

Sourcing / Development

  • Identify the opportunity and lead on the ground studies with local developers
  • Source to acquire RTB projects
  • Build technical and financial solution for the project with engineering or utility firms

Structuring & FC

  • Obtain bankable project agreement with off-taker
  • Leverage the project with non-recourse financing
  • Raise equity from investors (LP) with proper risk profile
  • Negotiate turn-key EPC contract

Investment & Construction

  • Draw down the equity and debt to build the project
  • Monitor financial and accounting aspects as well as contractual relationships of the project to timely reach Commercial Operation


  • Recruit the local team and set up the operation of the project
  • Optimize project long-term operating and financial cost
  • Though the project lifetime may be 20-25 years, SIC objective is to use 1-3 years to stabilize the operation


  • Reach out to international strategic investors, or yield-seeking funds like pension funds or insurance companies.
  • Negotiate sale price, transaction structure as well as sale documents

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Empowering the future with renewable energy: sustainable, reliable, and clean solutions for a greener planet

SIC has the know-how of developing, investing and managing sustainable infrastructure, including Renewable Energy, Waste Management, Water treatment and other Climate Resilient Infrastructure, in emerging markets such as Africa, Middle East, East Europe and Southeast Asia.


SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.
We work hand in hand with local developers to develop projects to a bankable ready to build stage allowing us to secure non-recourse project finance to construct and operate the assets.

On-shore Wind

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.
We work hand in hand with local developers to develop projects to a bankable ready to build stage allowing us to secure non-recourse project finance to construct and operate the assets.

Green hydrogen

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.
We work hand in hand with local developers to develop projects to a bankable ready to build stage allowing us to secure non-recourse project finance to construct and operate the assets.

Water Desalination

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.
We work hand in hand with local developers to develop projects to a bankable ready to build stage allowing us to secure non-recourse project finance to construct and operate the assets.

Green data center

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.
We work hand in hand with local developers to develop projects to a bankable ready to build stage allowing us to secure non-recourse project finance to construct and operate the assets.

Waste Treatment

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.
We work hand in hand with local developers to develop projects to a bankable ready to build stage allowing us to secure non-recourse project finance to construct and operate the assets.

Other Sustainable Infra projects

SIC has a diversified strategy in terms of sourcing a greenfield project. We do not shy away from taking early development risk in our core markets.
We work hand in hand with local developers to develop projects to a bankable ready to build stage allowing us to secure non-recourse project finance to construct and operate the assets.